1.Personal Details

We'll need these details in order to be able to contact you.

2. Profile
Résumé / CV
This section is optional. Accepted file formats are .pdf and .docx
Diversity and Inclusion
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is a key business and people priority for us at Mourant. We are committed to ensuring our recruitment process is accessible and inclusive to all, and providing an authentically inclusive workplace culture where people of all backgrounds, identities and experiences feel like they belong and can thrive. 
Gathering anonymous diversity data during the recruitment process helps us to achieve this by ensuring we have a detailed understanding of the diversity of talent we are attracting, interviewing and hiring across our business. This in turn helps us to determine the effectiveness of our approach to inclusive recruitment, and identify further actions we may need to take.
Your participation in the following questionnaire is on a voluntary basis. Even by responding 'prefer not to say', you will help us to identify where more work may need to be done. Your responses to the questions will remain completely anonymous and treated confidentially. The questionnaire should take no more than three to four minutes to complete. 
4. Submit Application

In order to contact you with future jobs that you may be interested in, we need to store your personal data.

If you are happy for us to do so please click the checkbox below.

You can view our privacy notice for more information.